Working Together for a Healthier Louisiana

Working Together for a Healthier Louisiana.

Have You Heard?

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Louisiana 988

Call, text, or chat online to connect to a 988 specialist who can help. Our 988 specialists provide free, confidential support, 24/7. Because getting help is human.

Help and hope are here

Talk. Listen. Care.

Feeling overwhelmed by welcoming a new baby?  TLC Moms, a Louisiana Department of Health initiative, offers support, resources and a path to mental and emotional wellness for moms, families and caregivers facing pregnancy or postpartum depression and anxiety.

Learn more about TLC Moms

Adult Protective Services

If you or someone you know is concerned about the well-being of an adult friend, neighbor or relative, APS is here to listen and respond.

Learn more about APS

WIC is food, family and fun

Louisiana WIC has a new app available for participants called myWIC, along with two other apps, the WICShopper app, and the Pacify app.  

Learn about the apps
making a difference background

Making a Difference for Louisiana Residents

icon: Families being served nutritious WIC food benefits such as fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs, cheese, whole grains, and beans.


Families being served nutritious WIC food benefits such as fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs, cheese, whole grains, and beans.

Monthly data, CY 2023
icon: Infants tested for genetic and metabolic conditions.


Infants tested for genetic and metabolic conditions.

Monthly data, CY 2022
icon: Inspections performed per year across Louisiana establishments.


Inspections performed per year across Louisiana establishments.

Approximate Annual Data
icon: Establishments across the state with permits issued by LDH’s Sanitarian Services.


Establishments across the state with permits issued by LDH’s Sanitarian Services.

Approximate Annual Data
icon: Funding for water system infrastructure upgrades.


Funding for water system infrastructure upgrades.

Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund, FY 2023

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